Pascal Voggenhuber

Interview With Medium & Coach Pascal Voggenhuber

Pascal Voggenhuber is one of the most renowned media & coaches in Europe. His humorous way of meeting people makes every lecture and workshop with him a unique experience. He holds seminars and lectures throughout Europe. All his publications have conquered the bestseller lists in Switzerland in no time at all. His books have all been bestsellers and have been translated into 7 languages.

What Inspired You to Start Writing?

To be honest, it’s hard to say. I’ve always loved writing. I wrote my first book more for myself and my
friends. By chance it ended up in the hands of a publisher and that’s how I became an author. It
wasn’t really planned.

How Do You Deal with Writer’s Block?

I have to be honest, I’ve never really struggled with it. I mainly write about subjects I know a lot
about. In my opinion, the most important remedy for writer’s block is simple: write, write, write and
only then correct.

How Much Research Do You Do Before You Start Writing?

Since I only write about subjects I already know a lot about, I do very little research. Maybe 2-3 hours
maximum per book.

How Has Your Writing Process Changed Over Time?

I’ve certainly become more experienced over time. By the third book I had found my process and I
still stick to it. After fifteen books you have naturally developed a certain routine. But I still write my
books the same way I started, from beginning to end. Exactly the way you read it in the end.

Would you like to get to know more authors?
Here you can find the interview with author Sandy Mercier:

Interview Sandy Mercier: Interview: Sandy Mercier

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