Amazon KDP – Advantages vs. Disadvantages

Do you dream of reaching readers worldwide with your stories? With Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), many authors can do just that! Amazon offers you a self-publishing platform to publish and sell your story as a print book or eBook.

In this blog post, we will introduce you to the advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages:

  • Publishing your book is free
  • Amazon offers to print your books
  • eBooks can be made available to readers worldwide
  • Pre-designed templates for your book cover are provided by Amazon.
  • You receive the ISBN from Amazon free of charge
  • Amazon provides real-time reports of your book sales

The disadvantages:

  • Amazon earns between 30 and 65% of your sales.
  • A high quality of book printing is unfortunately never guaranteed
  • Amazon can only print in four colours, which can make the printing price very high.
  • Trial and author copies are subject to a charge
  • Due to possible exclusivity rights, you cannot offer your book to other shops (to find out more look at the KDP Select details)

Further tips:

  • If you also sign up for KDP Select, you can earn a lot of money via the Kindle lending library
  • Authors can create a free author page through Amazon Author Central.
  • Print On Demand is good for the environment as your book is not printed until an order is placed.

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