Notebook on a desk with opened cutting program, a drone, big lense and camera

Content Strategies for Your Youtube Channel

Behind every successful YouTube channel is a concept and a strategy. In addition to the appearance and content of your videos, the frequency of your postings plays a very important…
hacker stealing data online, binary code

eBook Piracy – How Do I Stop And Combat It?

eBook piracy is always a tiresome topic that writers and self-publishers have to grapple with. Still, this should not be a reason to stop writing or publishing any more eBooks.…
Frau liest buch und trinkt Kaffee

Building Up Suspense

What makes a novel good? Why do you read a book until the end? Two questions, one answer – It is all about suspense. Suspense If you want your audience…
optimize your youtube channel

5 Tips to Optimize Your Youtube Channel

You can read our 5 tips to optimize your own YouTube channel here, in order for you to get more views, clicks and subscribers: 1. Channel Banner The header graphic…
insta stories 2018 für Autoren

6 Reasons Why Authors Should Do Insta Stories

Instagram has more than 15 million active user in Germany, worldwide there are even more than 800 million. That means that Instagram has a great potential, to build a community,…

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